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The TOMAR Tarot Deck offer is a little different. As a creative offshoot from the TOMAR manual, the TOMAR deck is a small 'sample run' edition, rather than a fully fledged produced item. The deck is £20 +p&p; there are details at the bottom of this page for purchasing a TOMAR deck, but first, we'll explore some of its advantages.

Astrological Archetypes

The TOMAR tarot deck illustrates the 78 tarot cards with their archetypal images, or the 78 different ways-of-being they display to us through our tarot readings - which includes the 'astrological archetypes' that have also shaped their meanings. Each card is attributed to either a traditional planet, such as The Moon, or one of the 12 signs of the Zodiac, such as Taurus, or a combination of these, such as The Moon in Taurus. This astrological system is not immediately obvious in most tarot decks, but in the TOMAR deck it is - so how does this information help our tarot readings?
The Astrological correspondences in tarot cards draw on ancient 'seasonal' astrology, where all of the archetypal symbols in the sky relate to everyone, no matter which sign of the zodiac they were born under. As images, they depict the natural way-to-be in a certain environment, or, the ideal approach for a particular phase of the year. 'The King of Pentacles', for example, is attributed to 'Taurus' (20 April - 20 May) and depicts someone 'confident' because the reassurance of Summer lies ahead. When we receive this card in our tarot readings, we 'divine' or 'reveal the mystery' of what's being said, and make it relevant to our own situation - perhaps we have found our own version of reassurance, and are feeling confident as a result.
As a general archetypal system of divination, this seasonal information means 
anyone can pick up a tarot deck, and interpret what the cards mean for them as an individual.

 3 TOMAR tarot cards, the high priestess as moon, the king of pentacles as taurus, the six of pentacles as moon in taurus
TOMAR tarot crds with their astrological symbols highlighted

Interpreting astrological archetypes in tarot readings 

When we receive one of these 3 cards: 'The Moon', 'The Knight of Cups', or 'The Eight of Cups', we recognise that they are attributed to the sign of Pisces, symbolised by the 'Two Fish'.
In archetyp
al seasonal Astrology, Pisces (19 Feb - 20 March) reflects an intuitive phase of the year, where the long winter has nearly passed, and daylight is lengthening. The human characteristic of being 'intuitive' is inferred because Pisces marks the time when the carp swim upstream to procreate - motivated by 'natural instinct' alone - they have no knowledge of this desired outcome, only the notion this effort is needed now.
When we receive these Pisces cards in our tarot readings, they suggest that 'relying on our deeper instincts' could reveal something important that's not immediately obvious to us now. And depending on the position these cards appear in our tarot spread, we know that we are either already relying on this intuition, or it is suggesting we do this - that we adopt these 'Piscean' qualities to find our direction.


interpreting 'reversed' TOMAR cards


Reversed cards are often ignored by beginners, usually because there are few hints as to what they might mean. However, in the TOMAR deck there is a helping hand. 

When appearing in 'reverse', all of the cards in the TOMAR deck have symbols that indicate another tarot card it reverts back to. Or, in other words, the alternative 'way-of-being' the card suggests, now it's displayed in 'reverse'. 

Using our previous 'Pisces' cards as an example, in 'reverse' they indicate a move back to an Aquarian way of being. So, applying a degree of conscious decisiveness to find our direction, rather than 'going with the flow' like Pisces. A meaning inferred because Aquarius (20 Jan - 18 Feb) precedes the phase of Pisces (19 Feb - 20 March) in the astrological seasons - and the long cold nights of Aquarius mean we must give ourselves an initial focus to find our motivation.

These brief examples show the help available in the TOMAR tarot deck for interpreting 'reversed' cards, but Books Three and Four of the TOMAR Manual explore this in much more detail.


TOMAR reversed tarot cards with their astrological symbols highlighted
The TOMAR tarot manual and tarot deck

the '3 colour system' of the TOMAR TAROT deck and manual

The TOMAR tarot cards are illustrated using three colours: Black, White and Yellow Ochre. A 'three-colour system' that is also reflected in the theoretical diagrams of the TOMAR manual. As a continuity device, it's designed to help us see how tarot 'theory' and 'practice' work as one.

The three colours read as this:

Black suggests solid ‘Matter’. Earthly realities, such as 'us' as physical humans, our material surroundings, and the material objects within them - which includes established 'ideas' or 'situations', such as our home life, social life or work life. In short, all the tangible, real examples we look to so we can make comparisons and form future aspirations.


White suggests ‘Spirit’. Non-physical, intangible concepts, such as our imaginations, thoughts, emotions, dreams, doubts and fears. All the 'immaterial realities' we look to that also inform our future aspirations.

Yellow Ochre (Golden Yellow) suggests a degree of ‘Perfection’. That our learned experience of using 'matter' and 'spirit' together, is guiding us towards a higher understanding in ourselves.

Intuitively using the 3 colour system in the Tomar TAROT cards

‘The Devil’ card in the TOMAR deck has an emphasis on the colour ‘Black’. So when we receive this card, it expresses physical, ‘earthly’ established matters. Often 'The Devil' card is read as being 'trapped by earthly rewards', but in a broader context it suggests a focus on reality that gains practical experience. As a result, it's more likely for physical situations to become establishedor for material rewards to come our way.


‘The Sun’  card in the TOMAR deck has an obvious concentration of ‘Golden Yellow Ochre’ (Perfection), surrounded by ‘White’ (Spirit). This card often represents an 'ideal becoming clear' because we are drawing on our un-restricted self (our spirit is un-restricted by our material reality). 'The Sun' represents a realisation in the sense that we realise something in our lives is important, but it is not necessarily an established reality.

‘The Wheel of Fortune’ card in the TOMAR deck has a more even spread of all three colours, so suggests a more even experience. Our real-world adventures (Black), are informing us spiritually (White), and vice versa. And with all this combined effort, we'll eventually realise a degree of 'perfection' in ourselves (Golden Ochre).

The TOMAR tarot cards the devil the sun the wheel of fortune
The TOMAR tarot card the six of swords or Mercury in Aquarius

Enhancing Your divination through the ASTROLOGICAL SYMBOLS IN THE Tomar DECk

This point takes a moment to set up, but it also contains some general good-to-knows, so stick with me. 
Divination can mean different things to different people, but at its core it suggests we are drawing on our intuition - sensing rather than thinking to gain hidden information, or 'divining'. Divination is something we all have an inherent ability for, and most days we'll draw on it without even realising. Tarot cards are one of the most popular tools for divination because they structure our experience. We decide the time and place we want to access this information (perform a tarot reading), and the type of information we need (ask a question). Drawing on the tarot card 'images' to appeal to our sub-conscious (more broadly aware self), we reveal deeper insights.

Although the imagery in tarot cards is central to the divination process, when it comes to understanding these experiences we will ultimately resort to using words too. Drawing on our vocabulary to either explain the concept to someone else, or to process in our own heads what we have discovered. With this in mind, it's important to see 'words' as a natural part of divination, because this is also how we will make sense of the experience. 
There's a really good example of this in 'The Six of Swords' where the figures, depicted in contemplation, are using their 'minds' to process an emotion - identifying if this emotion is taking them down a true path, and how they could eventually turn this intuition into a reality.


Now we arrive at the reason why the visibility of the 'astrological correspondences' in the TOMAR deck are a key feature. As beginners, the 'scene' depicted in each tarot card is helpful for learning their meanings, but the 'words' we use to describe these scenes can eventually limit our imaginations. When looking at the TOMAR cards, the 'scene' helps us find our place, but the 'astrological themes' broaden our understanding of what's being said.

Revisiting 'The Six of Swords' as an example (Mercury in Aquarius, intellect in decisiveness), the scene on the card is tranquil and contemplative, because physical situations are at rest. However, from the astrological description, we know there is a lot of 'mental action' happening. Assessments and decisions are being made, as we are very quickly passing from one way of 'thinking and being' to another (the boat speeds our path through mental thresholds). 
When we use the TOMAR card 'scenes' and 'astrological correspondences' together, we are instinctively broadening our talent for divination.

Purchasing the TOMAR deck


- The TOMAR cards are a standard tarot deck size, 120x70mm. 

- The deck is printed on a standard card stock, similar to the thickness of a playing card, and they have a good coating that makes them easy to handle - smooth and shiny, but not overly glossy. I have experimented with more luxury card stock and boxes, but the quantity implications makes this impractical to invest in at this time. Please think of this as 'I was there first' edition.

- The price is £20 without shipping. I've invested in an initial small quantity (30 pcs.) to try and offer them at a lower price, but please note that I’m offering the deck at cost price, so not making any profit on it. For now, my aim is simply to make the deck available so people can use it.

- The deck comes shrink-wrapped, finished with the TOMAR wrapping paper, tucked in a cream cotton drawstring pouch for storage.

- There is no accompanying 'booklet' as the free PDFs on this website offer this instruction. Book Five features 'The 78 Tarot Card Meanings' in detail (95MB); this can be dowloaded on to your phone if you have enough space :)


- I'm based in the UK, but can ideally ship anywhere in the world, however, I may need time to work out the best way to do it. Please use the ‘Contact Me’ section to order the TOMAR deck, giving the full address of where the cards are to be sent. If delivery appears to be viable, I’ll advise the total cost in a reply email with a breakdown of the deck, shipping, any duty tax for overseas orders, and we can agree to complete the order from there.
- I'll email a PayPal invoice for the outstanding amount, which can be paid with a card or via PayPal and covers your buyer's rights.

- Orders in the UK will be sent as standard via Royal Mail 'Tracked 48', with an estimated 2-3 business days delivery. The delivery cost is based on £3.40 for one deck, however remote locations may be more. 
- I'll usually post every Saturday after payment, but sooner if I'm able. Please provide me with a 'safe location' to leave the parcel in if you would like the option to be out when delivery is made. I'll send a confirmation email, including the tracking number once postage has been completed. Where available, automatic tracking notifications will be sent to your email address once the parcel has been processed from the hub and is out for delivery.

- There are occasions when I'm out of the country for work, so postage may be delayed. If this is the case I will of course let you know as soon as possible in my reply email.


Thank you in advance if you do make a purchase.


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