Interpreting a tarot spread for yourself, or for someone else - focusing on situations where the question has been withheld from us as the reader.
A tarot 'spread' is the arrangement the cards are placed in to give context to their meaning. The three card 'Adjustment spread' we're exploring here, is based on the traditional 'Past, Present, Future' spread, but the placement names have been changed to reflect the TOMAR approach to tarot - that we believe we have the agency to 'adjust' ourselves to shape our future - rather than expecting the cards to tell us what's going to happen.
Setting a question:
Setting a question to frame a tarot spread is common, but it is not always necessary. Sometimes we have nothing particular on our minds, or a few things that need honing down. If we haven't set a question, then the first card in this spread will give us an idea of what this tarot reading is about. (See Book Four of the TOMAR Manual for more detailed steps on 'shuffling', 'selecting' and 'laying' the cards).
Setting a question/ Reading for someone else: Depending on the person we are reading for, often they will like to 'see the magic', i.e. have their situation revealed to them through the cards without telling us their question. This is absolutely fine, and we'll be exploring how to do this as we move through the post.
A quick summary of the card postions before we move on to the good stuff (the sample reading):
The first card (1. Present) reflects our situation. It relates to the question we have asked (if we have asked one), it suggests how we are 'being now' in response to it.
The second card (2. Mid-adjustment) reflects how we could initially 'become' in reponse to this situation. What might change our perspective and our approach.
The third card (3.Final adjustment) represents how we could finally 'become' in response to our situation. Through our Mid-adjustment perhaps we realise something significant that could change our path.
Sample reading:
Card 1. Present.
If you are reading for someone who hasn't revealed their question, avoid trying to guess the specifics of their situation. More simply, we are discribing how they feel towards it. In this case, 'The Ace of Cups', which is attributed to the element of 'Water'. In essence, this is an emotional reaction to a situation (water), it is a positive, something that makes them feel happy and content. It suggests that emotions are running freely, that trust is felt, and their is potential.
Usually, at this stage the person we are reading for will recognise what this card refers to, and will volunteer information on what this situation is about. However, some may not, so it's useful for us to be able to carry on with the reading without any more details - something we can do by considering how the rest of the cards in the spread relate to each other.
Card 2. Mid-adjustment. 'The Nine of Wands' depicts resilience and determination. The figure is guarding something precious, vigilent for signs of attack. A sentiment that is also reflected in the astrological meaning of the card 'The Moon in Sagittarius' (sub-conscious in aspiration) where, because something has become established, there is time for the sub-conscious truths within it to be explored.
Looking at cards 1. and 2. together we can imagine that the person we are reading for is experiencing something precious to them (The Ace of Cups), and because the advice for their 'Mid-adjustment' is to really explore their aspirations for it (The Nine of Wands), perhaps they wish to create some stability so it can take root. On another level, this card suggests that 'creating stability' is something the person we are reading for needs to do. They could have a more determind approach, one that understands what there is to work with, so they can really see what they are really striving for. (In the context of this spread, this card is encourging us to toughen up, so we can achive what we desire).
Card 3. Final adjustment. 'The Moon' card is attributed to the sign of 'Pisces' - the carp fish that 'go with the flow'. It suggests that, at the end of this process, their is even more sub-conscious intiution for the person we are reading for to explore. If the situation (The Ace of Cups) can become more established through determination and deeper exploration (The Nine of Wands), then perhaps they need to define what they want to other people so they can see the reaction this gets. The information they gain in this moment is valuable. It is how, through the self-reflection of 'The Moon', they will discover the natural direction this takes them - or how they can 'go with their own flow'.
In Summary
What we value (The Ace of Cups), could be asserted (The Nine of Wands), so we can explore how to make this a more relevant reailty (The Moon).
Further reading: Book Four of the TOMAR Manual features sample interpretations for three 'key spreads' that shape a tarot 'sitting' - where a succession of diiferent spreads is performed in relation to our situation, so we can explore it in even more detail.