🌞 Some simple Astral Magic 🌚 My intent is to get things moving in the right direction, and to get the magical wheels in motion, I'm projecting the confidence I feel in myself. I’ve chosen ’The Six of Wands’ for my ritual offering because it astrologically corresponds to ‘Jupiter in Leo’ (opportunity in strength, or victory in leadership) - a sentiment that will surely help me on my way. Jupiter is the planet of ‘joy through discovery’ (vibrant blue colour), and the sign of Leo represents the 'golden light that guides our self-power’ (The Sun, and Frankincense resin).
Combined, these celestial forces suggest that our conviction and self-belief will reassure the people around us - and as if by magic, inspire their confidence in us ✨
I've included my favourite fire opal earrings in the ritual so I can carry the magic with me; see my instagram for a video on creating this ritual.
Many thanks to wise sage Paul Wood @modern.witchery for his fantastic tuition in Esoteric Herbalism, via the equally fantastic @theatlantisbookshop 🙏 #tomar #tarot #astralmagic #ritual #incense #sixofwands #Jupiterinleo