🌞 Some simple Astral Magic 🌚 This offering bowl smells amazing before I’ve even burnt the incense. The fresh ‘sage’ aroma is cosy but strangely re-energising 😌. I’ve chosen ‘The Four of Swords’ for this ritual because it depicts ‘rejuvenation through contemplation’, or ‘healing after heartache’: the disappointment expressed in the previous ‘Three of Swords’ (yes, that one with the Swords pierced through the heart).
I'm keen to find the positives in a recent difficult situation, and this 'healing wisdom' is just the sentiment I need. ‘The Four of Swords’ has an astrological correspondence to ‘Jupiter in Libra’, which suggests that the sign of ‘Libra' is having a calming effect on the usually outgoing planet ‘Jupiter’. Something useful when we want to take a step back, make some distinctions, and form a sense of where to go next.
The three swords suspended above the knight’s spiritual pulses, ‘head’, ‘throat’ and ‘heart’ (thought, word and intent) suggest the physical 'body' is at rest (the 4th sword below), while the 'spirit' contemplates the work; and once we feel re-energised by a prospect, then we know it is right to pursue.
The aroma of Sandarac and Acacia resin reflects this same sentiment of finding 'wisdom' (Libra, green colour) through 'inner joy' (Jupiter, vibrant blue colour).
Many thanks to wise sage Paul Wood @modern.witchery for his fantastic tuition in Esoteric Herbalism, via the equally fantastic @theatlantisbookshop 🙏 #tomar #tarot #astralmagic #fourofswords #jupiterinlibra #ritual #incense #modernwitchery #theatlantisbookshop